I waited two weeks to find out my schedule, and that was too long. It drove me crazy waiting and watching to see what would happen. I almost drove all the way to work (26 miles each way) just to see if I could get the schedule but after thinking about it I knew I wouldn't get to see it that day they probably wouldn't get to my number till fri. And the thur I was too sick to go to work so I called in. I don't know why I was so worried. All I could do was pick the schedules I wanted and put them in the order I wanted and wait and see. Well and lost of prayer of course. I went in on friday and I got a schedule of Sun Wed off working 2 - 11pm. At first I am a moment of fluster ran through me: I really wanted a 4X10 schedule. And then I realized this was my top pick after any of the 4X10 schedules so I really did get what I wanted. I am still kind of regretting the fact that I chose split days off but I had just got a call on Tue about needing extra help at Awana's, which Awana's was why I originally picked wed off so even better now that they need extra help. And now I not available really at all at nights because wed I am at awana's and then maybe on Sun nights but I babysit till (possibly) seven so that takes most of the night. But when I choose my days babysitting and Awana's is what I want to fill them with so it is worth it. Oh, plus now that I start after 2pm I get a shift differential which I hear comes out to about $100 a check. Which, I don't think I talk to much about money here, but it is really a good thing. I can really use the money just so I can get my bills paid every month. They have a shift differential on sundays of 35% but it just isn't worth the money to work on sunday. Money doesn't trump God or my sister (babysitting). So it could have been better but I am pretty happy with what I have. I am a little worried that I will get burned out with everything but prayer, prayer, prayer.
So this week is my spring break from school, and my birthday week. So I have tue through fri all off. My amazing friend Mylinda is taking me to a Rascal Flatts concert. Jessica Simpson is also headlining and I am not sure about that but eh, it will be fabulous. And then Adele who singings Chasing Pavements is also playing this week. So I think on Tue night I am going to go to that concert. She is from England and her opening band, The Script, is also from England. I looked up and they were pretty cool too. So that's exciting. Not exactly sure what else. A pedicure, catch a movie (I can't even remember the last one I watched), just relax but not stay cooped in the house all day for four days.
I was thinking about how I had been thinking of traveling this week. So I loooked up the weather in San Diego highs of 60 degrees all week, then I looked up Seattle highs of 50 degrees all week, Chicago highs of 40 degrees all week. And here in my lovely Phoenix, AZ highs of 80 degrees all week! Ah wonderful AZ. I was thinking of driving up to Pine to see my dad but it is usually so exhausting to drive for so long I am not sure I want to do that. Oh and I have never taken this car up there and I need new tires so probably not a good idea. I will have to try it sometime though, can't actually stay away forever scared my car will fall apart. Especially since I drive 75 mph all the time anyways so the difference will be the hills, shouldn't be too big of a deal.
I have never had a problem with my age until this year. I have never cared, feel free to ask me my age whatever. But I keep thinking about 27, it just feels so close to 30. And I try to tell myself its just another age and most of me knows that. But I don't know maybe its because I am going to school with a bunch of 18 and 19 years old but I feel so old. I know some people who read this are older than me but then you probably understand then. So I am still really excited about birthday like I am every year, this year I just say my age a little less. :)