As I realize one more thing in my life that I have no control over. I realize even more continuing to get more and more angry just isn't working for me. So I am going to try to make little changes. I know I kind of said this before but here I am still. So I have come up with 3 steps to start with.
Step 1: Start reading my bible daily again.
- I had done this for some time now but lately I stopped. There are few reasons why; the devotional I was using became a little frustrating and then because I keep staying up so late doing bible study when I only have a couple hours till school starts just doesn't happen. But I need to start that commitment again.
Step 2: More Prayer
- I get all frustrated with life and so what do I do, the same thing everyone does but blame God. And it is difficult to have an open conversation with God when you are mad at Him. But I know better and I should have increased amount of conversations not less.
Step 3: Regular Sleep
- This is going to be the hardest but may be the most important and will totally clash with step 1. MWF I get up at 7 for class, on Sun. up by 8 for church, and then on Tue, Thur, Sat I sleep in. And I think almost every night I am up till at least 2am sometimes as late/early as 4am. Although I don't get home till 11:45 four nights of the week due to work I think that a schedule can be made. And of course if I got up early on T,T,S and did homework then I wouldn't have an excuse to stay up so late all the time. It will be tough, I am such a night owl. But regular sleep can only help
So I will start with these three steps. The first two are pretty basic and the third, well, I got to take that one day at a time.
Great post, Angela! I think these 3 steps are an EXCELLENT start to a more positive attitude. I am proud of you for taking control of your circumstances. You are a ray of sunshine in so many lives. Love you!