So long story short this week I have been off my prozac. It has been long enough that it is out of my system and I only just restarted again but it will take time to build up again. So for most of the week I have been feeling the effects of depression (don't want to do anything, have no interests, no appetite and then can't eat enough) it totally sucks. I have lived with this long enough that when I started acting different I noticed it and recognized why. I know that it is a short time and then my drugs will kick in again and I will feel more like myself but right is just hard. I am just so thankful for my relationship with God because without Him I don't know how I would get through this.
So for the last couple days I have eaten way too much! I did go to Curves three times this week and then on wed I didn't go to the gym but I did try to channel my craziness and spent an hour on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor (this hadn't been done in years.) So I count it as 4 days of exercise. I didn't want to but I weighed in anyways. My waist went down half an inch but I also gained 8 lbs. I have no idea how that is even possible. So I am not actually freaking out because the waist went down and if it was a real 8 lbs then it should have gone up. I am going to try to be more piticular about the food I put in my mouth this week and we will see what happens then. Oh, and I am not changing the scale on the top of the blog because I do think this is a fluke so if you are curious my 8lb gain does put me at 267 for the week.
Curves Gym: The first week I loved it, I was ready to sign up. I went 6 days that week and felt great. The second week I got food poising and only went 2 days and was frustrated by their limited hours. Week three I went 3 days and I saw a definite difference on the days I worked out when others are talking to me or around me compared to when I am on my own. Even with conversations around me I get distracted and sometimes miss the 30 second queue. On the day I worked with no one talking I definitely pushed myself but I feel like I may have pushed the machines as far as I will be able to. In reality you can only do so many reps in 30 seconds. So after lots of thought, I mean lots and lots of back and forth. I determined that staying at Curves would be the easy thing to do. I go in, I do my circle twice and leave. No thought, I am not actually pushing myself very hard, no muscle fatigue, and lovely women to talk to. But I am not going to see the results I want to see, and after 5 or 6 months I don't know that I will be even pushing myself if the first week I can easily do the circuit all 6 days. Going to a real gym is the hard choice. I need to move around the gym from machine to machine. I have remember what weight for each machine and count my reps. I will have to actually sit down and talk with a personal trainer to figure out what equipment I should be using. So part of me says "easy, easy, easy" and the other part says "loosing weight takes effort, don't lock yourself into a contract that doesn't correspond with your goal."
I keep looking at other gym info, checking out prices and deals. Besides Curves the other gym I seem to be attracted to is 24 Hour Fitness. It is right down the street, they have classes that will fit into my schedule, its not actually 24 hours but they are open probably twice as many hours as Curves. The question I have had the last couple days is if I get to work with a trainer when i sign up to get a workout plan that will help me toward my goals. So today I went to their site to see and I found out yes they do offer a fitness orientation, which the description sounds like what I was looking for. The other thing I noticed on their site was promotion that offered a 1 year membership for $199, this normally runs $299. That makes my monthly fee about $16.60. Their isn't a better deal out there. Their normal fee is $24.99-$26.99 which I was already considering paying. So I signed up. I felt totally nervous because you pay for the full $200 all up front and so that is kind of big purchase. I know it is a great deal and I know that I was considering a contract at Curves anyways and this has a lot more options. Ok, can you tell I still feel nervous about it? I really like it though because even if something happens later, it is already paid for so I don't have to worry about a recurring fee. Plus with extra hours last week and some babysitting I have set up for next week I have the money right now.
On a side note I did want to mention the cost for the Curves near me here in Phoenix. I guess rates do vary by location as they are franchise not corporate. But it was $34.99 a month with a one year contract or $44.99 a month without contract. And then the initial fee is $44 but because I did the 30 days for $30 they waive the fee if you sign the contract during the 30 days. And then they have this new Curves Smart system where you have a key card you put in the machine so it tracks how hard you work out and makes sure you go a full 30 seconds on each machine. And that is a $25 set up fee plus and additional $5 a month. So I would have wanted the Smart system so $40 a month plus $25 to start with a 1 year contract. But the compare that to the $16.60 membership I just signed up for and I save $305 this year. Ok, putting it that way I feel better about signing up at 24 Hour Fitness.
It is kind of weird because I am actually currently a member of two different gyms right now. I only have a week left at Curves. They just moved to a new location, which is why I didn't work out Fri or Sat because they were closed. So I think I might go check out the location a few times just to get my full $30 worth. And then I need to set up the orientation apt and then I don't know when that will be but I can still go in and start doing cardio in the mean time. Just to admit to you how crazy this was, I have seen the outside but I have never been inside this gym or met anyone from the location. I would have done the 7 day free trial but the offer was only through Monday. I think it was a Memorial deal or something. Alright I think that is it for now. It is late and I have church and babysitting in the morning.
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