Sunday 1/31/10
Cliff notes version: My eating was off today but I did get in 4 miles with my Walk Away the Pounds dvd's.
Longer version:
Today I woke up late so I grabbed something for breakfast (8:15am) but it was like 200 cal instead of my normal 300-400 cal. I had a kids party to go to from 1-3 so when I got home from church (Noon) I had some yogurt so I could have some pizza at the party. At the party Tirso didn't really understand what was going on and didn't want to sit to eat with the other kids. He had eaten some yogurt when I did so I wasn't sure he was still hungry so I wasn't going to force him. I got myself a small slice (1:45pm) and then he wanted to share the slice with me. So I had about half of a small slice of Barros Pizza. Tirso was of course excited as soon as he saw the cake so I got him a piece and he had a bite or two (plus the 5 m&m's off the top.) It looked really good but I didn't want to tempt myself by trying to just have a bite or two so I went with none. I got home from my sisters at about 6pm. I was so tired I don't know why but I can't really take naps, it messes me up and then I can't sleep at night. So I had a can of soda and dinner, chicken and rice. Later in the evening while watching tv I was hungry so I ate a cheese stick but wasn't satisfied so I also ate a 100 cal popcorn bag. Over all I don't think I ate too many calories in fact I think I ate two few and at weird times. Then I also had some greasy pizza and greasy popcorn which is probably why my stomach has been upset for a couple hours now. I haven't had anything really greasy for a week now. Maybe it is something else though, I was playing at a children's center where germs are everywhere plus it was kind of stressful hanging out with extended family members that I don't usually talk too. I always get nervous about that kind of stuff. My lesson from today is I need to take the time to eat the right amount of food. I don't think the saving calories to eat pizza was bad but when I didn't have enough I should have had a quick snack available to eat on the way home or when I got to my sisters house instead of just waiting for dinner.
I had such a problem exercising tonight. I was sooo tired when i got home but I knew I had to get some exercise in. The first thing I tried was popping in my movie from Netflix. I had "Gamer" to watch, but it was very visual so I kept trying to do a video while i watched but then I kept missing things. So I sat down and watched it (this is when I ate the cheese and popcorn.) So then I tried to do the video while watching something from my Hulu queue. There is plenty in it that I don't really have to pay attention to so started one. I got 1 mile done but that was a struggle and just failed at trying to move to mile 2. This next part I am so proud of!!! I knew I needed to exercise. I knew it was so much more important than whatever tv show I wanted to watch. So I stopped the show, put my laptop to sleep, unmuted my tv and did 3 more miles. They were so hard, there was 1 mile I hadn't done before focusing on legs by adding lunges and squats. It was crazy! But I pushed through, did them all and managed to do a tummy toning mile after that. So yea 4 miles again. I don't know if I will do anything tomorrow. I think if I do it will be on the wii fit plus to try and mix it up a bit. Plus I already feel like I am going to be sore tomorrow when I wake up. Plus I want to be able to work out during The Biggest Loser on Tuesday so I don't want to push too hard on Monday. Anyways I don't think the day was too bad but I can see where I can improve. Now off to bed.
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